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08 Oct 2024

A Day in the Life of Account Manager, Helen Stevenson

As part of National Customer Service Week, we caught up with Account Manager Helen Stevenson to find out more about her role and how she works closely with her key customers.

A bit about Helen…

Helen has a strong background in customer service, from beginning her career in retail, through to a decade working in account management for companies in licensed products and health and safety sectors. She joined Fulcrum in April and manages a portfolio of key account customers.

What’s a typical day like for an Account Manager at Fulcrum?

As the projects we undertake are very varied every day is unique.

There’s always different project opportunities and quotations to work on and ongoing developments to help customers with, which makes the job very enjoyable.

I work very closely with my colleague, Hayley, who’s our Head of Account Management on a collection of key accounts. These are mainly existing, long-standing customers that we have delivered several projects for, and we have built strong relationships with.

Much of my work is office based, I’m always at the end of the phone or email for my customers, but I also get the opportunity to visit them, which is always a great way to strengthen our partnerships.

We are the first port of call for our customers and it’s important that they receive great service. We have several departments involved in every aspect of project delivery, so having a consistent point of contact that can liaise with our teams on behalf of the client is important.

How do you approach the customer service element your role?

My entire role is focused on ensuring we deliver great service for our customers.

Our clients need a contact who has a positive customer service mindset, and I have developed my career with that very much in mind.

Great customer service is fundamental to successful project delivery. It’s beneficial to building relationships that can deliver positive outcomes. It’s also a great way to build trust and credibility.

I believe you must be genuine and demonstrate that you care and want to work with them and help them. It sounds simple, but for some people it’s not always the case. That’s why I work exceptionally hard for my customers to ensure they have a positive experience with Fulcrum.

Why do you, and your customers, choose Fulcrum?

This business is 100% customer focused. I love delivering excellent customer service, it’s what I have built my career on. So, when the opportunity came to work at Fulcrum, I quickly discovered that people here share the same perspective as me.

Even in the short time I have been here I have built some great relationships with customers and my colleagues.

Everyone in the business has been really supportive and welcoming and my customers are great. They are upfront with what they want and appreciate the good service they get before, during and after project delivery.